sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Fuzzy logic - Definitions from different fields of science

  • General

Fuzzy logic or fuzzy logic is based on the observed relation. This kind of logic takes two random values, but contextualized and referrals to each other. For example, a person who measured 2 meters is clearly a tall person, if you previously took low individual value and is set to 1 meter.Both values are contextualized to people and dealing with a linear metric measure.

  • Statistics and Business

Fuzzy logic is a computational intelligence technique that allows high trabajarinformación with deimprecision, in this it differs from the conventional logic that works with well-defined and accurate information.

The concept of Fuzzy Logic was conceived by Lotfi Zadeh Universidadde a professor of California at Berkeley, who unhappy with classical sets (crisp sets) that allow only two options, membership or not of an element to such a set was presented as a way to process information about allowing partial belongings joint as opposed to the classics called fuzzy sets (fuzzy sets), the concept of fuzzy set was presented by Lotfi Zadeh in a now classic paper in the literature of fuzzy logic in the year 1965, the article is entitled "Fuzzy Sets" and was published in the journal Information and Control. Zadeh himself in 1971 published the article "Quantitative Fuzzy Semantics," in which introduces the formal elements that would eventually compose the body of the doctrine of fuzzy logic and its applications as they are known today.

  • Mathematics

Fuzzy logic is one of the disciplines of mathematics that has the largest number of supporters today and a growing number of applications among which we mention: The construction of household electronics and entertainment, the design of artificial devices deduction automatic design of diagnostic systems and control of complex industrial processes, etc.. Thus fuzzy logic constitutes a tool with great potential for developing new methods or techniques of Artificial Intelligence.

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